Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 2 & Jake and Evan's Birthday's

It's been a little over two weeks since Jakes lengthening surgery.  We are turning jakes fixator everyday and lengthening since tuesday 5/20 at a rate of 1mm per day, we have also been going to physical therapy 5 days a week. Jake loves his therapists and he is getting stronger everyday. We had a great week and Jake is doing well. Some days are better than others.. lately he has been having a lot of muscle aches and spasms and his stretches are getting harder!  Jake has to do a number of different knee stretches and leg lifts with the physical therapist everyday including a challenging knee flexion stretch three times a day (we usually do this stretch on his belly so we call it the belly stretch and it is very unpopular) and they are VERY hard for him, the goal is to get close to a 90 degree knee bend with each stretch.. Every time we lengthen his leg by turning the screw on his fixator his muscles get tighter and tighter and we need to stretch the muscles to maintain joint and muscle health and mobility.  He is such a trooper though and so very strong!!

We celebrated Jakes 6th birthday on Wednesday with our friends Kristen and Shawn Hafner and Jakes friend Brennan.  Jake got lots of presents and had a great time! We also celebrated Evens 2nd birthday today!!  Can't believe my baby is 2!!! :-0

Thanks again to all our amazing family and friends for your outpouring of love, prayers and support during this challenging time. Keep Jake in your prayers for his strength and comfort and determination.  God is good and he answers prayer ;)

We have an x ray and Physician Assistant post op appointment on Monday 6/2

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